How many times in you life have you been left wondering what to do? When you're looking for concrete answers and they don't seem to come He provides.
Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. -- Jeremiah 6:16
This beloved verse came up in my reading the other day. I've been doing a read through of the Bible this year. I admit some days are more difficult than others; all those begats and atrocities. But most days either a single verse or a story speak to me. I am grateful for the time to attempt this.
Another cherished verse came to me from a friend in Bible study. I am forever grateful to her for this answer and I pray it will always come to mind when I don't know what to do.
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Trust in the Lord by Graber's Graphic Designs on Etsy |
It's so comforting to know that the burden of answering that age old question is not mine to carry. I hope and pray that you, too, find the answers today.
I love the sofa in the picture. It reminds me of the one we just ordered. We sold our old sofa at a garage sale early this month and then spent the better part of the month furniture shopping. We calculated we've now bought five sofas in our 34 years of marriage. I was thankful when number five was ordered Friday so we could get on with some summer fun.
I'll leave you with some reminders of our Sunday hike at Suntop Peak.
Linda <><