Summer, though not technically over, is giving way to autumn. I've been blessed this summer with one of my favorite things--hiking. Most weekends I've worked in a hike or two, in contrast with last summer when I only got to do one hike. And I love to hike! This is by no means the end of hiking for me this year, but as the seasons change I reflect on the why's and the where's of my wonderings.
The first 'why' is my passion for hiking and nature! Growing up in a small town in western Nebraska may not sound like hiking central, but, quite frankly, what else was there to do? Scottsbluff National Monument and the Wildcat Hills were my childhood playgrounds.
View from the top of Scotts Bluff National Monument |
Second, hiking is a great way to spend time with people. It's a wonderful way to get to know folks, just walking in the diverse beauty of nature there is always something to talk about and an ease in the quiet. There is an intimacy created with that beauty paired with the absence of distractions, like electronics, that can allow talks of depth that might never occur otherwise.
The list of why's could go on and on(there's the exercise thing, for example), but my number one motive for hiking is to live in Eucharist! In the midst of His creation I am grateful. I am nourished and revived in His Beauty. I am inspired to share His Love and Beauty and continue to seek Him first.
As for the 'wheres" here, in chronological order, is a list of my spring/summer hikes:
- Snoqualmie Falls -- this was part of a special day, the day after our daughter's wedding, with very special folks.
Me & my precious kids |