Monday, November 3, 2014

Honey Ginger Cream Soda

I took one of those online quizzes a friend had posted on Facebook. Supposedly, it would tell me my secret obsession and all I had to do was pick pictures. Simple, right? I just knew, like most of the online quizzes it would be way off. You'll never guess what my secret (not so secret) obsession is. My results concluded that my secret obsession is food! Not, as I might have hoped, love or faith or even nature.

The truth is, those who know me well know how I love food. As a normally reserved, quiet soul I can talk all day about food!

Today I want to share my own latest concoction. If you like ginger you will love it. My ginger loving friends all agree, it's a tasty, satisfying drink.

Ginger is not only tasty, it's got a long list of health benefits

Honey Ginger Cream Soda

About 1 1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger,
 pealed and chopped
1 cup coconut milk (or half and half)
1 tablespoon honey
club soda or sparkling water

Place the first three ingredients in a blender (I like the Magic Bullet for this) and blend until good and smooth, about 2 minutes.

Pour through a fine strainer. Put 1/4 cup in a tall glass, add ice and carefully top with the club soda, as it will foam up. Makes about 4 servings.

Adjust the amount of ginger to your liking

I'm a big fan of local raw honey

Straining it makes your drink nice and smooth

Store the remainder in the refrigerator 

As we enter the hectic holiday season don't forget to take time to eat healthy, relax and enjoy the true meaning of the season! I'll leave you with some photos from our weekend hike. A lovely walk on the boardwalks of Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge

Twin Barns

Boardwalk on the delta

The landscape changes dramatically with the seasons

Jonathon Livingston

Linda <><
